September 2, 2016

Exploring with Satire!

Why do we need war ?
    This a question men and women have asked since the first people would roam our earth. War is just simply a conflict between two opposing sides that are now willing to do whatever for what they want. No one wants to ever even imagine having be war but yet that thought will always be pending since not all of us on this earth on peaceful terms. Most of the time the lives lost in battle don't matter to the general or commander because to him or her that was just another order. I find it pretty insane how a whole group of people can be lead on to war and actually fight because someone told you to. That's like the math department at school declaring war at the science department and now all the students in those classrooms will have to go to war with each other. To me this just doesn't make sense how in the world do people actually want to find in war. Its outrageous how the ideas or choices of one person can lead to the deaths of many innocent people who never really asked for it. I'm pretty sure if one day the government would one day ask for votes on the declaration of war there would never be a war obviously because no one wants to war on purpose.  Just because you live there or take part in it that doesn't mean you should have to end the fight they pretty much started. I mean if I was there I wouldn't want to kill anyone and I'm pretty sure other soldiers will feel like that too but since you are already in the moment all you want to do is live so you have to fire back. It doesn't have to be this way though instead of declaring straight out war with full armies we should label the politicians and or generals from both sides who started or provoked the conflict from the start. I believe that the responsible parties should fight in a bare knuckle brawl to the death. They will all start in one place then once the alarm sounds both side are free to go and fight to the death. The side with the last politician or general will be declared the winner of the war. Can you imagine how much money that would save every country ? That's millions back into our education system and the US infrastructure since there is no need for millions of dollars to be spend on weapons and weapon research since we will live in a world that does not require them. Even better think about the countless lives that will be saved from not having to war not just from our side but from foreign sides also. Although the politicians' and generals' lives will be lost it will be a great sacrifice and they will always be remembered as American heroes. even though they were the cause of everything. This is our only solution to our problem of war because world peace is not yet to even be at our reach.

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